Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Casey Anthony Trial

I have been following this case since Caylee went missing. First I thought this is another case of missing child and young brat careless mother. But after Casey's party pics got published and other evidences came in to light, I feel Casey is the murderer. What I guess is, she was using chloroform on her daughter since some time to go for parties and sleep around. That day she overdosed her with it and poor girl passed away. Casey borrowed the shovel from neighbor and dug up a hole under the play house. She buried the baby there. That's why dogs kept on going back there. Then Casey freaked out and dug up the body, put it in her trunk and disposed the body.
Now to save herself she is throwing her dad under the bus.
The defense made up the story that she was drowned into the pool & her dad abused her as a child. The story about drowning into the pool was denied by Casey herself in a phone conversation. And if her dad abused her, why would she leave her own daughter with a predator? The grandparents watched the little child most of the time.
In short Casey is a compulsive lier and she is trying her best to save herself. But I hardly doubt that she can get away with all these web of lies and jury will do the justice. RIP little Caylee.


  1. I still find it very difficult to imagine why on earth a mother would kill her own child whom she carried in her womb for nine months and nurtured after birth till a certain age. It is against this background that I think (Though I may be wrong like the jurors) that Caycee didn't do it or could not have done. However, going by the circumstancial evidence one may be tempted to conclude that she did it. There is no doubt that she's a careless mother and considering the lies she told, she deserves to receive some serious punishment. Unfortunately she's free, and there's little to nothing we can do about it. One thing I know for sure is that nemesis will catch up with her if she really did it. God's judgement is sure.

  2. Great post! I found her guilty as well!
