Thursday, July 14, 2011

True Love

True love tell me what your thoughts are on it, the limits, does it exist?

Can true love break through anything hiding your emotions...
Can true love cause you to die without them...
Can true love make you slowly break down into a mental state...
Can true love help you fight against anything (you know like in the movies, they take bullet after bullet and they don't go down because they are determined to protect a loved one)

Do you believe your first love can be your true love?

For me true love is when you can say, and honestly mean, that you would do anything for someone without question except a few things. When you know you would give your life for theirs without thought. When you would sacrifice your happiness, your wants, your needs, your life too give them just one good day. All without asking for anything. To me that is true love, even if it is not returned. I don’t believe true love has a limit, but if it does it would be your breaking point.

I believe you may love many people in your life in a romantic way, but you can only ever be in love with one. Yes I believe your first love can be your true love in some cases.

1 comment:

  1. With every fiber of my being, with every inch of depth to my soul - I can only honestly, unashamedly, undoubtedly answer your questions with a resounding yes.
